


The applications of wearable technology in sport science




張簡旭芳(Hsu-Fang Chang Chien);李尹鑫(Yin-Shin Lee);相子元(Tzyy-Yuang Shiang)


量化自我 ; 慣性量測感測器 ; 心率計 ; 衛星定位系統 ; quantify self ; inertial sensors ; heart rate monitor ; GPS




30卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


121 - 127




隨著科技的進步、物聯網概念的發展,讓「量化自我」的概念受到越來越多人的認可,也讓穿戴式裝置的市場蓬勃地發展了起來,其中我們可以看到許多融合運動、科學、健康等概念的穿戴式產品的出現,也可以觀察到各家廠商紛紛的投入相關產品的開發,因此本文的目的在於,一、整理出目前常用的感測器與其應用原理 (如:慣性量測感測器、心率計、衛星定位系統等)。二、觀察大廠動向與介紹現有之產品應用。三、穿戴式產品未來需面臨的挑戰、大數據資料的分析等未來趨勢的探討。未來穿戴式的產品將會從單獨的配件變為與日常用品結合,如智慧衣及智慧鞋,大數據的蒐集與分析將會提供更關鍵的健康資訊。相信未來這類的穿戴式產品會更加地融入我們的生活,協助人們養成健康生活的習慣,擁有更健康的人生。


As the improvement of modern technology and the growth of IOT (internet of things), the concept of 'Quantify Self' is widely accepted by more people. The market of wearable technology has developed rapidly, too. There are more and more commercial available wearable devices combining with the concepts of sport science and health promotion. And more enterprises put their interest in wearable devices development. Therefore, the purposes of this review article were 1. to introduce the basic theory of the sensors which have been widely used in wearable technology such as inertial sensors, heart rate monitor, GPS, and etc. 2. to observe the tendency of wearable devices market and introduce the related products nowadays. 3. to discuss the future development of wearable devices, including the challenge and the impact of 'Big data' analysis. In the future, the wearable devices will change from a single kit for special purpose to daily-use articles accessories such as intelligent clothing and intelligent shoes. The collection and analysis of 'big data' will provide more information about human health. Hopefully, these wearable devices become more common in daily life, to help people adopting a healthy lifestyle.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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