


A Study on the Relationship Management between International Brand Owners and Local Agents




代理商 ; 進入模式 ; 通路管理 ; 關係專屬性資產 ; agent ; entry mode ; channel management ; relation-specific assets




24卷2期(2017 / 05 / 01)


1 - 18






Agents are one of the most common entry modes for international brand owners into a foreign market. However, after successfully developing the market, the local agents often face a threat of contract termination because the international brand owners tend to establish their own subsidiaries to replace existing agents. In general, local agents are usually smaller and have less international experience than the international brand owners and their sales have to rely on the international brand owners’ products and brands. The replacement renders void the customized assets that were previously invested by the local agents, and the competition is a hidden dynamic of the cooperative relationship. In this study, we take the local agent’s perspective and use a case of a Taiwanese exclusive agent of a French oil brand, elf, to discuss how the agent reduces the risks of contract termination. To counter the brand-specificity of the French brand owner, the agent commits resources in establishing direct distribution channels, sharing ownership and bonus with local employees to bring them together. These actions result in the international brand owner’s dependence on the local agents to serve the Taiwanese market, even after establishing their own subsidiary in Taiwan. Overall, this study discusses how the local agents manage their relationships with international brand owners and how they deter the international brand owners to switch the entry mode.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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