


A Study of Value-based Leadership in the Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises




劉元安(Yuan-An Anna Liu);許軒(Hsuan Hsu);汪德範(Te-Fan Wang)


價值領導 ; 價值管理 ; 傳記研究 ; 內容分析 ; value-based leadership ; managing by values ; biographical study ; content analysis




15卷2期(2009 / 08 / 01)


89 - 111




本研究應用傳記研究法,以Ken Blanchard and Michael O''''Connor所提出價值管理(Managing By Values, MBV)為理論架構,針對觀光餐旅企業領導人價值觀形成的過程與內涵進行探索,以內容分析法剖析領導人如何將價值觀灌注到組織內,進而領導企業邁向長期的成功。研究結果發現,觀光餐旅企業領導人的價值觀在幼年時期就已逐漸成形,並對日後經營企業時具有莫大的影響力。領導人之個人價值觀會被其所創辦領導的企業重視,進而成為整體企業之核心,並以企業使命及願景等有形的方式呈現。價值領導能使領導人依循價值觀迅速規劃出各項正確的決策,並授權給員工產生許多附加效益,同時將其滲透至組織每一個角落形成組織文化。當組織執行整體運作時,價值領導能增加組織的效率與應變能力,並使組織全員方向明確一致,產生凝聚力,進而讓企業邁向永續經營。


Using biographical method, the present study was designed to explore the formation of leaders' values of the tourism and hospitality enterprises, and discern the way the leaders made their organizations live the values. The structure of Managing By Value, proposed by Blanchard and O'Connor in 1997, was employed after moderation as the research framework. Accordingly, from a qualitative prospect, the study analyzed the contents of the autobiographies of six excellent enterprises in the industry-McDonald's Corp., Disney Corp., Marriot International, Rosenbluth International, Holiday Inn, and Southwest Airlines Co.. The results showed that the leaders had formed their own values mainly due to their family and childhood experiences, which became the first stage of the value-based leadership. At the second stage, the leaders clarified the values with members related to the organizations, especially the managers and the employees. Thirdly, the major approaches of communicating the values with the organizational members were departmental activities and formal communication strategies. Moreover, the group dynamics were aligned with the values at the team building level, and the strategic management at the organizational level. Finally, at the follow-up stage, all the leaders would reevaluate the whole process while implementing continuous improvements. The authors provided relevant managerial and academic implications as well as research limitations and suggestions for the future study.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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