


The Effects of Price Format on Price Expectations and Brand Evaluation under Moderator of Need for Cognition-A Case of Group Package Tour




蔡進發(Chin-Fa Tsai);蕭至惠(Chih-Hui Hsiao);郭大誠(Da-Cheng Guo)


價格標示方式 ; 預期未來價格 ; 品牌評價 ; 認知需求 ; price format ; price expectations ; brand evaluation ; need for cognition




16卷1期(2010 / 04 / 01)


19 - 44




本研究針對價格促銷的標示方法進行深入探討,旨在幫助廠商瞭解如何選擇有效的價格標示方法,使廠商在進行促銷活動時,可以避免面臨產品進行促銷後導致預期未來價格下降、品牌評價受損等負面影響。 本研究操弄「折扣比例」及「劃去價格」這兩種價格標示方式,並以進出桃園、高雄小港國際機場的旅客為研究對象,以問卷調查方式進行,最後納入統計分析的有效問卷計200份。透過SPSS進行分析之研究結果顯示:(1)相對於劃去價格的標示方式,折扣比例的價格標示方式讓消費者產生較高的預期未來價格。(2)相較於較低的預期未來價格而言,消費者對預期未來價格比較高時,也將會同時給予較高的品牌評價。(3)價格標示方式會藉由預期未來價格的作用進而影響品牌評價。


This paper studies the price format for products under price promotion. This paper can help firms to conduct effective price format. We expect that, as the price promotion activities end, negative influences such as price degradation and brand depreciation can be minimized. This research uses ”cents-off promotions” and ”percentage-off promotions” to investigate the effects on consumers’ price expectations and brand evaluation. The subjects of this research are passengers at the Taoyun and Kaohsiung International Airport. Questionnaire survey is used, and 200 effective questionnaires are collected. Additionally, collected data are analyzed by SPSS. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Comparing to cents-off promotions, percentage-off promotions lead to higher future promotion price expectations. (2) The higher prices expectations, the higher brand evaluation. (3) The ways of price format have influences on brand evaluations through price expectations.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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