


The Relationship between Career Function and Professional Commitment: The Mediation Effect of Job Satisfaction




林尚平(Shang-Ping Lin);劉敏興(Min-Hsing Liu);陳建龍(Chien-Lung Chen)


工作滿意度 ; 職涯功能 ; 專業承諾 ; 中介效果 ; 結構方程模式 ; job satisfaction ; career function ; professional commitment ; mediating effect ; structural equation modeling




19卷2期(2013 / 08 / 01)


179 - 205




本研究目的,在從企業而非教育界之觀點,探討餐旅業實習工作滿意度在職涯功能定位與專業承諾三個構面之間的影響。研究對象為國內唯一國立餐旅專業之大學校外實習的學生共270位同學。研究工具包含職涯功能量表,專業承諾量表及工作滿意度量表。資料分析採用結構模式分析工具Amos 20.0的檢驗後發現,職涯功能對工作滿意度有正向影響。工作滿意度對專業承諾中的情感性承諾與持續性承諾有正向影響。職涯功能透過了工作滿意度的中介效果影響了實習學生的專業承諾中的情感性承諾與持續性承諾。最後,研究結果更提供了工作滿意度在職涯功能與情感性承諾、持續性承諾之間具中介效果的管理意涵與研究的價值。


The purpose of this study is to explore the mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between career function and professional commitment. The survey data were collected from the National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism. Two hundred and seventy students who had completed a one-year off-campus internship participated in the research. The research tools include a career function scale, a professional commitment scale and a job satisfaction scale. A structural equation modeling analysis was performed by using Amos 20.0. The study found that career function has a positive impact on job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has a positive impact on affective and continuous commitment. Through the mediating effect of job satisfaction, career function enhances both the affective and continuous commitment of the internship students. The present paper shows that job satisfaction fully mediates the relationship between career function and affective and continuous commitment. Implications and future development are discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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