


Measurement of Restaurant Employee Service Orientation: From the Service Encounter Perspective




劉元安(Yuan-An Liu);許軒(Hsuan Hsu);唐莉欣(Li-Hsin Tang)


服務導向 ; 量表建構 ; 服務態度 ; 顧客觀點 ; service orientation ; scale construction ; service attitude ; customer's perspective




23卷3期(2017 / 12 / 01)


273 - 290




競爭激烈的餐飲業市場下,擁有具備服務導向之員工成為餐飲業管理者強化競爭優勢之資本。本研究為建構發展餐飲業員工服務導向量表(Restaurant Employee Service Orientation Scale, RESOS),參考Churchill (1979)的量表發展程序建構,先透過文獻回顧與訪談等方法確定初始量表,再透過兩次資料蒐集,分別調查422位及518位餐廳顧客以確認量表題項,接著分析確認量表信效度後,最後建構涵蓋「熱忱自信」、「以客為尊」、「積極主動」、及「專業可靠」等4因素與16個題項的RESOS量表。本研究建構之量表有助於餐飲業實務管理者進行人力資源管理時使用,進一步管理意涵、學術建議及研究限制於文末進行探討。


Employees who service orientated are key to enhancing the competitive advantage in the restaurant industry. This study is based on Churchill’s (1979) procedure of questionnaire development. A draft questionnaire was designed through literature review and interviews. The researchers collected data twice from restaurant customers to examine the credibility and validity. Finally, this study created a measurement called Restaurant Employee Service Orientation Scale (RESOS) with 16 items classified into four factors: enthusiastic and confident; respecting and honoring customer; proactive; professional and reliable.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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