


The Influences of Leadership Style and Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment and Performance-An Empirical Study of Pharmaceutical Companies with Different Nationalities in Taiwan


吳萬益(Wann-Yih Wu);林志成(Chih-Cheng Lin);傅貞夙(Chen-Su Fu)


轉化型領導 ; 交易型領導 ; 組織文化 ; 組織承諾 ; 組織績效 ; 平衡計分卡 ; Transformational Leadership ; Transactional Leadership ; Organizational Culture ; Organizational Commitment ; Organizational Performance ; Balanced Scorecard




71期(2006 / 12 / 01)


35 - 76






This study examined the effects of leadership style and organizational culture on the relationship between organizational commitment and performance in samples of Taiwanese, American, European, and Japanese pharmaceutical companies in Taiwan. Through the Balanced Scorecard, the organizational performance was further evaluated by four dimensions regarding finance, customer, internal business process and learning-and growing. Out of the 300 questionnaires sent, 172 valid questionnaires were obtained. The analyzing results indicated that 1) America and European pharmaceutical companies obtained higher scores from the Balance Scorecard within the perspectives of transformational leadership, innovative culture, value commitment and organizational performance; Japanese and Taiwanese pharmaceutical companies with transactional leadership and bureaucratic culture, however, had lower scores on their organizational performances. 2) Transformational leadership and innovative culture had positive and significant effects on the four dimensions of the Balanced Scorecard, transactional leadership and bureaucratic culture, by contraries, had negative effects. In detail, the transactional leadership had significant and negative effects on the financial and the internal business process perspectives. The bureaucratic culture had significant and negative effects on the financial and the customer perspectives. 3) The learning-and-growing perspectives affected the internal business process and the customer perspectives positively and significantly. Moreover, the internal business process had positive and significant influences on the customer and financial perspectives. Furthermore, the customer perspective also had positive and significant impact on financial perspectives. Generally, the results of this study indicated that the leadership style and organizational culture had significant influences on organizational commitment as well as the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard. For academic researchers, this study can be used as a base to induce related theories; meanwhile for the managerial people the results of this study can be used as an operation practice for multinational business.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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