


Review of the Technology Acceptance Model: Integrating the Perspective of External Variables of Information Technology


李春麟(Chun-Lin Lee);方文昌(Wen-Chang Fang)


科技接受模式 ; 資訊科技採用 ; 外部變數 ; 認知有用性 ; 認知易用性 ; Technology acceptance model ; Information technology adoption ; External variables ; Perceived usefulness ; Perceived ease of use




97期(2013 / 06 / 01)


1 - 37




資訊科技與網路應用愈來愈多元,除了企業在工作領域上應用來提升競爭力之外,資訊科技也在人們生活中被廣泛應用,成為人們生活中不可或缺之工具,以及,資訊科技已變得越來越複雜,建置及實施費用成本愈來愈高,面對資訊科技使用率的高低,為資訊科技建置及實施上的重大課題,資訊系統執行的失敗也將會耗費企業許多投資。過去多年來,對於資訊科技接受行為的解釋及預測,為資訊系統研究中一個重要研究領域,雖有很多模式被提出,但仍以Fred Davis(1989)年發表的科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)最受到廣泛應用,因此,無論對於科技接受使用行為的研究或是企業內資訊科技採用,能完整了解科技接受模式將是非常基礎及重要。本研究以文獻調查進行TAM的發展和研究結果進行彙整,首先,介紹科技接受的概念模式及演變,針對TAM的提出及其修正後模式進行介紹,針對TAM研究進展,區分模式檢驗、模式延伸及模式闡釋進行說明,再者,進行變數與變數間的關係說明,並將重要外部變數進行彙整,說明外部變數對TAM重要二個信念(認知有用性及認知易用性)的影響,深入進行調查分析,最後,針對TAM研究所提出的主要限制及批評進行歸類說明,提出綜合結論及未來研究參考。


Information technology and internet applications have increasingly become multidimensional. In addition to companies using such applications in work areas as means to boost their competitiveness, the information technology has also been widely employed and become the indispensable tool in people's everyday life. Moreover, information technology is getting more complicated; its implementation and performance costs keep rising; given the fluctuating highs and lows of usage rate, the implementation and performance of information technology will be a major issue, and the failure in information system execution will ultimately lead to costly investments. In the past several years, users' behavior in the explanation and prediction of technology acceptance has become an important area of the information system research, focusing on the causal links in the usage behavior toward the explanation and prediction of information system. Even though there has been a prolific stream of models being presented, the one published in 1989 by Fred Davis entitled ”Technology Acceptance Model, TAM” is by far the most widely employed one. Therefore, either for the research in the technology acceptance usage behavior or the business community, it is both extremely important and fundamental to fully understand the Technology Acceptance Model. This paper traces TAM's development in accordance with literature review methodology and summarizes research results. First, it introduces the technology acceptance concept model and the TAM's development, from its initial proposal followed by the subsequent modifications. Second, it characterizes TAM's development in terms of model examinations, model extensions, and model interpretations. It is then followed by expounding the relationships among TAM's variables, summarizing important external variables, and explaining the impact of external variables on a couple of important TAM's beliefs (perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) by means of in-depth investigation and analysis. Finally, through a systematic classification, this paper explains the TAM's major restrictions and offers additional critiques as well as overall conclusions and recommendations for future research directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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