


The Relationships between Service Culture and Service Performance-Trust and Service Commitment as Mediators


田文彬(Wen-Pin Tien);陳玉薇(Yu-Wei Chen);陳敬恆(Ching-Heng Chen)


服務文化 ; 服務績效 ; 信任 ; 服務承諾 ; Service culture ; Service performance ; Trust ; Service commitment




97期(2013 / 06 / 01)


39 - 60






Previous researches support the argument that service orientation may help to boost service commitment and performance. However, most researches pay less attention on the interaction among service culture, quality of employee's relation and service performance. To make up for the insufficient discussion of the relation between service culture and performance, employees' trust and service commitment are regarded as intermediate factors to explore the possible role of the quality between employees and the organization. The research was conducted with a survey and the subjects were employees of service industries in Taiwan. We sent about 505 questionnaires, and finally received 298 responses. The response rate is approximately 59%. The main findings of this study are summarized as follows: (1)The service culture in a service industry has a significantly positive effect on employee's trust, service commitment and performance. (2)Trust of employees and service commitment are the intermediate factors of service culture and performance.According to the result, we provide two suggestions as follows: (1) To develop the strategies of service culture effectively. (2) To place importance on keeping a good relationship between employees and the organization, so that the service companies in Taiwan can enhance their management on service quality, and also increase the competitive advantages.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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