


A Study on Contextual Factors, Commitment, Succession Intention and Business Model - A Case Study of SMEs in Traditional Industry




林婷鈴(Ting-Ling Lin);謝美珍(Mei-Chen Hsieh);何雅文(Ya-Wen Ho)


承諾 ; 接任意願 ; 營運模式 ; 中小企業 ; Commitment ; Succession intention ; Business model ; Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)




112期(2017 / 03 / 01)


67 - 97






New generations of traditional SMEs in Taiwan are uncertainly willing to succeed; hence "resources" which includes knowledge capital and network resources accumulated by the last generations is hard to pass on. But if new generations apply "resources" to set up new business model, the value of the firm and chance of success will raise. Using in-depth multiple case method, this study investigates shoes and suits manufacturing firms to explore in what context does succession intention germinate and how do successors adjust current operation to renovate business model. The results indicate that industrial environment, family business experiences, personal experiences, and successors' commitment for family or industry could motivate succession intention of direct succession or startup. Base on different types of succession, successors can use heterogeneous sources of value creation to renew or build new business model.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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