


Relationship between Service Climate and Service Performance - The Mediating Effect of Employee Engagement and Service Commitment




田文彬(Wen-Pin Tien);陳翰諭(Han-Yu Chen);陳玉薇(Yu-Wei Chen)


服務氣候 ; 員工投入 ; 服務承諾 ; 服務績效 ; Service climate ; Employee engagement ; Service commitment ; Service performance




116期(2018 / 03 / 01)


1 - 23




本研究旨在探討服務業第一線員工服務氣候、員工投入、服務承諾與服務績效等變數之間關聯性。針對天下2000 大金融、零售與餐飲服務業服務績效卓越的公司進行抽樣調查,發放1000 份問卷,共計回收615 份有效問卷。實證研究結果有以下四項:一、服務氣候對員工投入與服務承諾有正向顯著影響;二、員工投入與服務承諾對服務績效有正向顯著影響;三、服務氣候對服務績效有正向顯著影響;四、員工投入與服務承諾在服務氣候與服務績效之間,具有中介影響效果。最後,本研究提出結論與管理意涵,提供服務業管理之參考依據。


This study aims to explore the relevance among service climate, employee engagement, service commitment and service performance for first-line employees of service companies. This study conducted a sample survey to investigate the financial, retail and catering service companies from Survey of Taiwan's Top 2000 Enterprises of CommonWealth Magazine. 1000 questionnaires were distributed and a total of 615 questionnaires were obtained. The research results found (1) service climate had a significant positive impact on employee engagement and service commitment; (2) employee engagement and service commitment had a significant positive impact on service performance; (3) service climate had a significant positive impact on service performance; (4) employee engagement and service commitment had mediating effect on the relationship between service climate and service performance. Finally, this study presents conclusions and managerial implications providing reference for service companies to enhance service management.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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