中國易學發展,大抵不出象數、義理兩大主流。《易傳》作者認為,聖人「立象」的目的乃為了「盡意」、「繫辭」目的在於「盡言」;然後又說「書不盡言,言不盡意」,實指「語言」「表意」間的一種距離;在近代語言學家索緒爾所劃分出「能指」(signifer, signifiant)與「所指」(signified, signifié)的語言邏輯中,可視為語言、意旨之間的失落;王弼意識到這種「意」、「言」之間的失落,故提出「得象而忘言、得意而忘象」的易象詮釋,對漢代易學以來象數易學家太過專注於易象之弊作一反思;但王弼並不是否定象數易學家對於「易象」延伸的努力,其反對的是「太過專注於取象」而忘記了重要的「易義」,這才是王弼主張「不泥於象」的目的,王弼亦由此創造全新的易象觀。
The Yi studies in China, focus on two major categories: the image-numerology and the philosophical connotations. The author (s) of Yi Zhuan think the goal which sages ”establish images” is to ”completely reveal the ideas”, and the purpose of ”annotation” is to ”completely reveal the words”. However, Yi Zhuan also says, ”annotation can not completely reveal the words, establishing images can not completely reveal the ideas”, which actually refers to the losing between languages and meaning. In modern times, The linguist Ferdinand de Saussure's Linguistics theory is the losing between the ”signifier” and ”signified”. Wang Bi awoke to that kind of losing; therefore, he brought up the method of ”getting images and forgetting words, grasping the ideas and forgetting the images” to introspec the defects which the Yi scholar in Han Dynasty extremely valued in ”mage-numerology”. Wang Bi did not deny the diligently of Han Dynasty Yi stady scholar try to Extend Yi image, but Opposition those scholar who adhere to image. Wang Bi also from this ideas creates new views in Yi-images.