


The Learning Efficacy of Joint Attention Teaching for Preschool Children with Autism




黃鈺菁(Yu-Ching Huang);鳳華(Hua Feng)


相互注意協調能力 ; 相互注意協調能力教學 ; 學齡前自閉症兒童 ; 單一受試實驗設計 ; joint attention teaching ; intervention ; preschool children with autism ; single-subject design ; multiple-probe design




32卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


121 - 141






This study investigated the efficacy of joint attention teaching for children with autism. Two preschool children with autism participated in the study. A multiple-probe design across behaviors tested by single-subject experimental designs was implemented. The independent variable was joint attention teaching. The dependent variables were the percentages of learning and generalized outcomes. Feedback from mothers and teachers was analyzed for social validity. The results of the study were as follows: Joint attention teaching (1) increases the percentage of responses to showing, pointing, and gazing; (2) increases the percentage of coordinated gaze shifting and protodeclarative pointing; (3) maintains the outcomes; (4) generalizes the outcomes to other people (mothers and teachers) and places; and (5) makes positive changes, as noted by parents and teachers of preschool children with autism.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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