


A Study of the Factors Affecting Interagency Collaboration in Early Intervention with Children with Special Needs




曾淑賢(Shu-Hsien Tseng);王文伶(Wen-Ling Wang)


早期療育 ; 機構合作 ; 資源整合 ; children with special needs ; early intervention ; interagency collaboration ; coordination




32卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


57 - 76




由於特殊幼兒及其家庭的需求常牽涉到多重的服務種類,因此,在早期療育服務機構間的合作是一相當重要的議題。然而早療機構間合作的缺乏正是台灣現階段早療服務的困境之一。本研究透過檢視影響早療機構間合作的因素之影響範圍和時效,分析台灣一早療服務系統之機構間合作情形。本研究採質性研究之個案研究的傳統(case study tradition),以一行政區域(甲區)的早期療育推動委員會為訪談、文件蒐集,及觀察之主要對象。研究結果發現影響甲區早療機構間互動的主要因素依重要順序為環境脈絡與個人特質。其影響的時效與範圍以環境脈絡的影響最深遠且為結構層面的影響,個人特質則傾向短期的操作面的影響。此外,甲區早療服務系統仍未進入機構間整合的四個階段(Flynn & Harbin, 1987)中的第一個階段:形成階段。因此,亟需正視機構間的合作以期能讓有限的資源發揮最佳的效益,並讓發展遲緩兒童及其家庭接受完整規劃的有效服務。


Because of the multiple needs of young children with special needs and their families, the importance of interagency collaboration in early intervention has become increasingly clear. Thus, the lack of collaboration among early intervention agencies has become increasingly problematic. This study analyzed in-depth the factors that influence interagency collaboration in a particular early intervention system in Taiwan. We adopted a qualitative case study method and collected data through interviews, analysis of documents and participant observation. We found that the factors influencing interagency interactions in this system included contextual and personal factors. The contextual factors were found to exert a more structural and longer-term impact, while personal characteristics influenced operational and short-term aspects. Besides, the results showed that this particular system was still in a very early stage of coordination, not yet even at the formation stage described by Flynn and Harbin (1987). Therefore, we concluded that this system urgently needed to take a serious look at itself and its own developmental process, in order to maximize its ability to benefit young children with special needs and their families.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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