


The Effects of Text-Structure Instruction on the Reading Comprehension of Elementary Students with Hearing Impairments




曾彥翰(Yen-Han Tseng);蔡昆瀛(Kuen-Ying Tsai)


聽覺障礙 ; 文章結構 ; 說明文 ; 閱讀理解 ; expository writing ; hearing impairment ; text structure ; reading comprehension ; text-structure instruction




32卷2期(2007 / 06 / 01)


67 - 91






The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of text-structure instruction on the reading comprehension of three elementary students with hearing impairment. A single-subject changing criterion design was employed; it included a baseline phase, an intervention phase divided into three sub-phases, and a maintenance phase. The independent variable in this study was text-structure instruction, while the knowledge of text structure and expository reading comprehension were the dependent variables. After a visual analysis of graphic data and application of Kendall's coefficient of rank correlation, the results of the study were as follows. Three subjects' knowledge of text structure increased and was maintained throughout the three-week maintenance phase. Furthermore, text-structure instruction improved three subjects' ability to analyze the top-level structures, macropropositions and mircopropositions of expository texts. The improvement in expository reading comprehension of these three subjects was also obvious and maintained throughout the three-week maintenance phase. Besides, text-structure instruction improved the three subjects' textually explicit comprehension, textually implicit comprehension and scriptal comprehension. Finally, the results indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between the knowledge of text structure and expository reading comprehension.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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