


The Relationship between the Gifted Traits of Preschool Children and Scientific Creativity: The Mediating Effect of the Flow Experience




侯雅齡(Ya-Ling Hou)


創造力 ; 心流經驗 ; 資優特質 ; 中介效果 ; 結構方程模式 ; creativity ; flow experience ; gifted traits ; mediation effect ; structural equation modeling




34卷2期(2009 / 07 / 30)


101 - 118




本研究之目的乃在於探討幼兒的心流經驗在資優特質與科學創造力之間的中介效果。研究對象為高屏地區八所公、私立幼稚園三百零八位大班的兒童。研究工具包含幼兒科學創造力評量表、幼兒心流經驗量表以及幼兒資賦優異特質檢核表。資料分析則採用結構方程模式(structural equation modeling)進行路徑分析。研究結果顯示幼兒心流經驗乃為資優特質對科學創造力的完全中介變數,亦即資優特質是透過心流經驗對科學創造力產生影響。


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among the gifted traits, scientific creativity, and flow experience of preschool children. The participants included 308 children from 8 kindergartens in Kaohsiung and Pingtung. Three instruments were used for this study: the Preschool Children's Science Creativity Scale, the Preschool Children's Science Flow Experience Scale and the Gifted Traits Checklist for Preschool Children. Structural equation modeling was employed for confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. The results confirm that the children's flow experience has the effect of mediating between their gifted traits and their scientific creativity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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