


Action Research on Support-Service Systems for Gifted Students with Disabilities




鄒小蘭(Hsiao-Lan Chau);盧台華(Tai-Hwa Lu)


支援服務系統 ; 身心障礙資優學生 ; 雙重特殊學生 ; support-service systems ; gifted students with disabilities ; twice exceptional students




40卷2期(2015 / 07 / 31)


1 - 29






The purpose of this action research was to establish support-service systems for gifted students with disabilities. Methods: Nine participants from six elementary schools were enrolled in this study and three subsystems of support services, including the participants, their families, and the schools they attended, were discussed with regard to their importance, urgency, and feasibility. The frame and procedure of creating supportservice systems for gifted students with disabilities were established through action research by providing direct and indirect interventions. Results/Findings: The main findings were as follows: (1) The interventions included establishing parents' study groups; making experience-sharing and mutual-help plans for the family subsystem; providing holiday-enrichment curricula, teaching assistance, distance education, and resource referrals for the student subsystem; and indirect advocacy, curriculum and instructional practices sharing, and telephone counseling for the school subsystem. (2) The structures and contents of the amended support-service systems were: (a) In the student subsystem: analyzing strengths and weaknesses, offering programs with advantages, compensating disadvantage with advantage, cultivating a positive selfconcept, and providing a platform for them. (b) In the family subsystem: enhancing parenting knowledge, expanding manpower, adjusting expenses, encouraging parents to have faith in their children, and providing sustained resources according to the children's strengths and weaknesses. (c) In the school subsystem: providing administration and policy support, engaging in interdisciplinary teaching teamwork, adjusting the curricula, actively offering training to teachers, and building internal and external databases with experts and the community. (d) Four types were determined after assessing the participants' strengths and weaknesses with the support-service systems provided in the study. In addition, studying the support-service systems helped in assessing the demands of the three subsystems and accordingly planning suitably advantageous programs for these twice-exceptional students. Conclusion/Implications: Some reflections and suggestions related to the issue for the future were made in this study. The researcher's intent was not to label but to assist twice-exceptional students in exploring their talents.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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