


Caring family not caring oneself: Intimate partner violence within the context of multi-faceted relations


潘淑滿(Shu-Man, Pan)


親密伴侶暴力 ; 性別權控 ; 家族主義 ; 求助 ; 面子文化 ; Intimate partner violence ; sexual power control ; familism ; help-seeking ; face-saving culture




40期(2021 / 06 / 01)


1 - 33






There has been much debate about the concept of sexual power control in regard to Intimate partner violence issue. This article, based on in-depth interviews with 21 battered women in Taiwan, illustrates how battered women interpret their experiences and help-seeking behaviors, and its implications for sexual power relations. The result of this study has demonstrated that even though Taiwan has become a modernized society and the prevention of Intimate partner violence has been implemented for two decades, women's subjectivity is still strongly shaped by the Principle of Three Obedience which pushes women so hard to be a good daughter, wife, mother, and daughter-in-law. During the interview, when women refer themselves there is no "I" but only "we" and "my family." For these 21 battered women in different life-cycle, original family and family-in-law seems to be a heavy chain that shackles them. Under the context of familism and face-saving culture, most of these 21 battered women endured their husband's violence for many years in order to maintain "family integrity." Some ask for helps, but they faced the pressure from families. Different from Western scholars' suggestions, the cycle of Intimate partner violence has almost no honeymoon period after marriage. Besides, these 21 battered women tend to seek helps from both formal and informal assistance. This article concludes that: 1. In Taiwan the Intimate partner violence is surely a sexual power control within multi-faceted systems, 2. The battered women's experience and help-seeking are different in term of on their life-cycle, and 3. Within the contexts of familism and face-saving culture, these battered women often experienced dilemmas for seeking helps.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 法律學
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