


The Resilience Experiences of Emerging Adults Who Have Experienced Family Economic Adversities in Childhood


陳杏容(Hsing-Jung Chen)


童年逆境 ; 入學及完成大學學業 ; 成年初顯期 ; 復原力 ; Adverse Childhood Experiences ; College Admission and Completion ; Emerging Adulthood ; Resilience




42期(2022 / 06 / 01)


93 - 122






Purposes: Based on the resilience perspective, the study intend to understand the life experiences of children who have experienced family adversities from their own perspectives. Methods: Using semi-structure interviews on 9 young people whose average age are 23.3, including 4 females. They have faced multiple family risks and received assistances from public or private social welfare units with an average of 87.7 months. Results: After data analysis, three themes were identified. Under the influence of cumulative family risks, the subjects also have positive experiences. Positive personal characteristics and environmental resources and support from family, school, NGOs, and the social welfare systems all help these subjects to overcome challenges, connect to people, build a sense of belonging, attain high education, and gain the chances of contributing to society. Furthermore, some subjects had delinquency in early teenage but become well-adjusted in emerging adulthood which show the changing process of resilience. Based on the above, we suggest (1) improving individual and family resilience, reducing risk chain effects, (3) extending community support, (4) and understanding protection mechanisms in a multi-faceted manner, so as to effectively improve the opportunities for the positive adaptation for emerging adults who came from disadvantaged families.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 法律學
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