


A Study of the Relationship between Job Demand-Control-Support Model and Burnout among Customs Officials




何金銘(Chin-Ming Ho);黃英忠(Ing-Chung Huang);陳錦輝(Chin-Hui Chen);莊美娟(Mei-Chuan Chuang)


工作需求-控制-支持模式 ; 工作倦怠 ; 海關人員 ; Demand-Control-Support Model ; Burnout ; Customs Officials




5卷2期(2005 / 06 / 01)


19 - 37




工作壓力為近年來研究的重要議題, 本研究以工作需求-控制-支持(Demand-Control-Support; D-C-S)壓力模式,探討工作壓力對工作倦怠的影響,並將具有重要影響的個人自我效能作為控制變數,以釐清研究變數間的影響關係。本研究主要著重於探討工作控制與社會支持,對緩和工作需求的作用。研究以589 位海關職員為樣本,採層級迴歸分析結果發現:(1)工作需求對情緒耗竭與乏人格化具有正向影響;(2)工作需求與工作控制的交互作用,對工作倦怠的三個構面,皆無顯著的干擾作用;(3)工作需求、工作控制與社會支持的交互作用,對情緒耗竭與乏人格化兩構面,具顯著的影響。研究結論建議組織與個人應重視工作的社會支持,以緩和工作需求可能導致工作倦怠的作用。


Job stress is an important issue in recent years. The authors adopted the demand-control-support (D-C-S) model to investigate the relationship between job stress and burnout, and focus on the buffering effects of job control and social support. According to previous studies, individual’s self-efficacy plays as an important moderator in the relationship of stress-strain. In order to clarify the effect of D-C-S on burnout, this study controlled the confounding variable of self-efficacy. Survey data on 589 customs officials demonstrated: (1) Job demand has positive influence on the dimensions of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. (2) Demand-Control has no significant moderating effects between the relationship of job demand and burnout. (3) Demand-Control-Support has significant moderating effects between the relationship of job demand and the dimensions of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. The conclusions of this study suggested that both organizations and individuals have to concern about job social support to buffer the negative effects of job demand.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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