Applying social networks analysis to technological innovation, this cross-sectional survey research is a quantitative field study for the member of R&D team. For conceptualizing, categorizing, and measuring R&D teams' social networks, a previously qualitative research develops a R&D teams' social networks typology that identifies three types, that is, job network, consulting network, and trust network. This study examined the moderating effects of asset specificity on the relationship between social network centrality and technological innovation in samples of IC design house in Taiwan. The results of this study indicated that the greater of job, consulting, trust network centrality will be associated with higher technological innovation. Moreover, adding the interaction item of asset specificity and network centrality, the hierarchical regression test shows the positive moderating effects of asset specificity on the relationship between social network centrality and technological innovation. For providing the decision support information of job design and distribution, the findings suggest implications that the ability of technological innovation can evaluated by social network centrality of R&D team member. Furthermore, the performance of technological innovation will be promoted.
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