


Study of Transformational Leadership, Service Climate and Service-oriented Citizenship Behavior of Cabin Attendants in the International Airline: Locus of Control Personality Traits as a Moderator




許順旺(Shun-Wang Hsu);林笠倫(Li-Lun Lin);張姮燕(Heidi H. Chang)


轉換型領導 ; 服務氣候 ; 服務導向公民行為 ; 內 ; 外控人格特質 ; transformational leadership ; service climate ; service-oriented citizenship behavior ; locus of control in personality




10卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


53 - 77






This research targets at cabin attendants serving in the international flights, and aims to explore the relationship among cabin attendants' transformational leadership, service climate and service-oriented citizenship behavior. We also examine the moderator effect of locus of control personality traits on the relationship between service climate and service-oriented citizenship behavior. The questionnaire survey method was used to collect data through convenience sampling. The samples of this research were native cabin attendants who have served international flights for an Airline company in Taiwan. There are 400 questionnaires sent to cabin attendants, and 320 questionnaires were received. The research results found (1) a positive correlation between transformational leadership and service climate; (2) a positive correlation between service climate and service-oriented citizenship behavior (i.e., service delivery, participation, and loyalty); (3) a positive correlation between transformational leadership and service-oriented citizenship behavior (i.e., service delivery, participation, and loyalty); (4) a mediator effect of service climate on the relationship between transformational leadership and service-oriented citizenship behavior; (5) a moderation effect of internal locus of control personality trait on the relationship between service climate and service-oriented citizenship behavior (i.e., service delivery) while external locus of control personality trait has a negative moderation effect on the relationship between service climate and service-oriented citizenship behavior (i.e., participation, and loyalty).

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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