


A Study of Cross-Strait Direct Flights Effect Expatriates Turnover Intention




胡昕昀(Hsin-Yun Hu);王偉安(Wei-An Wang);范錚強(Cheng-Kiang Farn)


兩岸直航 ; 外派人員 ; 離職傾向 ; 外派距離 ; 工作家庭衝突 ; cross-strait direct flights ; expatriates ; turnover intention ; expatriate remoteness ; work-family conflict




12卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


25 - 48






After an absence of sixty years, ”direct flights across the Taiwan Strait” commenced on July 4, 2008. Subsequently, it has changed from weekend chartered flights to daily chartered flights, and finally daily scheduled flights, and has been intensifying gradually. Thus, the remoteness between Taiwan and mainland China has been closing dramatically. This study takes this changing opportunity to look into whether changes in remoteness in expatriate assignments affects work-family conflict, and whether it in-turn result in a change in turnover intention. This study adopts Ahuja's turnover intention model, and supplemented with an ”expatriate remoteness” construct. In the proposed model, expatriates are divided into three types, namely, ”long-term expatriates with family in China,” ”long-term expatriates and family in Taiwan” and ”business travelers.” Taiwanese expatriates of various types were used as mail questionnaire samples in this study. A total of 145 convenient samples were collected. Results show that, as expected, ”expatriate remoteness” is positively associated with ”work-family conflict” while the association is moderated by ”expatriate type.” For ”long-term expatriate with family in China,” and ”long-term expatriate with family in Taiwan,” the association is positively but at different degree. In other words, direct flights shorten the distance and may effectively decrease work-family conflict. In addition, ”Organization commitment” is negatively associated with ”turnover intention,” while ”work exhaustion” is positive associated with ”turnover intention.”

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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