


Do In-Group Employees Get More or Pay More? The Antinomies in Leader-Member Exchange Relationships




熊欣華(Hsin-Hua Hsiung);陳欽洲(Ching-Chou Chen)


領導部屬交換理論 ; 工作負荷量 ; 工作考績 ; 工作壓力 ; 工作不滿意 ; leader-member exchange theory ; workload ; job performance rating ; job stress ; job dissatisfaction




12卷4期(2012 / 12 / 01)


29 - 52




領導部屬交換理論(Leader-Member Exchange Theory,簡稱LMX理論)早期強調高品質LMX關係對部屬工作績效與工作態度的正面影響。然近年來此領域的研究者開始注意到LMX關係中的潛在矛盾,以及員工異質的心理感受。為釐清這些矛盾與感受,我們提出一理論模型以分析兩組對立的路徑。首先,我們檢視了LMX對部屬考績的直接與間接影響路徑,以瞭解當主管給予自己人部屬高分考績時,是否會先考慮部屬的辛勞程度。其次,我們檢視了LMX對部屬工作壓力與工作不滿意度的直接與間接影響路徑,以瞭解LMX是否對部屬心理感受會有相反的效果。本研究蒐集210組主管與部屬配對資料,以結構方程模式分析本理論模型以及工作負荷量在LMX歷程中的中介角色。研究結果顯示,LMX品質對工作考績具有直接且正向的影響效果,對工作壓力與工作不滿意具有直接且負向的影響效果。然而,LMX並沒有經由工作負荷量的中介而影響到後果變數。


Early perspective from Leader-Member Exchange Theory (LMX theory) emphasizes the positive effects of high-quality LMX relationships on subordinates' job performance and job attitudes. However, recently some researchers in this field have begun to notice the potential antinomies and the employees' heterogeneous feelings in LMX relationships. To clarify these antinomies and feelings, we proposed a theoretical framework to analyze two sets of contradictory paths. First, we examined the direct and indirect paths from LMX to subordinate job performance rating to understand whether supervisors would take account of the amount of labor when they give high performance ratings to in-group employees. Second, we examined the direct and indirect paths from LMX to job stress and job dissatisfaction to understand whether LMX would have antithetical effects on subordinate psychological feelings. We collected data from 210 supervisor-subordinate pairs and used the structural equation modeling method to analyze the theoretical model and the mediating role of workload in LMX processes. Results showed that LMX quality had a direct, positive effect on subordinate job performance rating, and had a direct, negative effect on job stress and job dissatisfaction. However, LMX did not influence outcome variables through the mediation of workload.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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