


The Nonlinear Relationship between Leader-Member Exchange, Team-Member Exchange, and Voice: Mediating Role of Psychological Safety




賴鳳儀(Fong-Yi Lai);林鉦棽(Cheng-Chen Lin);陳曉玲(Hsiao-Ling Chen);李郁芩(Yu-Chin Lee);湯蕙娟(Hui-Chuan Tang)


建言行為 ; 關係品質 ; 平衡理論 ; 多項式迴歸分析法 ; 反應區面圖示分析 ; voice behaviors ; relationship quality ; balance theory ; polynomial regression analysis ; response surface methodology




16卷3期(2016 / 09 / 01)


1 - 28




建言行為對組織有正面的效益,但是實徵研究發現建言本身伴隨的風險,卻經常令員工身陷兩難情境。本研究以平衡理論為基礎結合心理安全觀點,分析心理安全知覺在關係品質與建言行為的關聯。由於過去研究在關係品質對員工態度或行為分析,鮮少同時考量同一單位裡與不同對象的關係品質之間對於建言所產生的作用。本研究利用不同關係品質之間的等同性程度(degree of congruence between different relationship quality) 與一致性水準(level of alignment point between different relationship quality)之非線性分析,試圖以不同角度更精確地詮釋不同關係品質對建言行為的影響。研究對象為護理長與護理人員,採兩個時間點區隔進行資料蒐集。統計分析主要透過非線性多項式迴歸與反應曲面法的運用。研究結果顯示,心理安全知覺在關係品質與建言行為的關係間存在中介機制:在全等狀態的關係品質時,員工的心理安全知覺最高;且隨著全等狀態的基準愈高,心理安全知覺隨之增強。基於研究發現,我們針對學術界與實務界提出相關意涵及建議。


Voice behaviors have positive effects to organizations, but empirical study revealed that the risk of voice behaviors has often made employee fall into dilemma situations. Based on balance theory, the present study examines the mediation effect of psychological safety between relationship quality and voice behaviors. Further, due to limited prior studies have considered multiple relationship quality effects on employees' work attitudes or behaviors, we used polynominal regression analyses in order to be more precisely explain such effect on voice behaviors by examining the degree of congruence between different relationship quality and the level of alignment point between different relationship quality. Research data were collected from two sources (head nurse and nurse) and two points of time. The hypotheses were tested through polynomial regression analyses and response surface methodology. The results indicated that perception of psychological safety mediated the relationship between relationship quality (LMX and TMX) and voice behaviors. While LMX and TMX are congruence, the perception of psychological safety is the highest; the higher level of congruence, the higher the perception of psychological safety. Implication and suggestions are provided for both practitioners and researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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