


Exploring the Effects of Union Leader Humility and Collective Humility of Union Management Team on Industrial Relations Climate: Mediating Role of Union-Enterprise Cooperation




林豪傑(Hao-Chieh Lin);郭嘉博(Jia-Bo Guo);王議賢(Yi-Hsien Wang)


勞資關係氣候 ; 勞資合作 ; 高層理論 ; 領導者謙遜 ; 集體謙遜 ; industrial relations climate ; union-enterprise cooperation ; upper echelons theory ; leader humility ; collective humility




19卷2期(2019 / 12 / 01)


57 - 82






This study employs the upper echelons theory to examine the respective effect of union leader humility and collective humility of union management team on industrial relations climate. Analytical results based on 55 sets of dyadic data collected from 55 human resource supervisors and 163 union stewards show that union leader humility produces a spillover effect on union management team and thus promotes collective humility. Also, union-enterprise cooperation plays a full mediating role in translating union leader humility and collective humility of union management team into advantageous industrial relations climate. Our study contributes to the industrial relations and upper echelons research. By exploring how union leader characteristics shape union-enterprise cooperation and relationship climate at the organization-level, we complement prior studies, which tend to examine the effects of industrial relations climate on employee attitude and behaviors. An examination of the spillover effects of union leader humility also responds to recent calls for expanding the research targets of upper echelons theory and more comprehensively identifying the effects of the social dynamics between top leaders and their cadre on an organization. Moreover, we advance the theoretical implications of humility research by extending its prior oblique focus on intra-organizational dynamics to inter-organizational interface as well.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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