


Voice Behavior and Employees' Creative Performance: A Three-Way Interaction Model of Promotive Voice, Prohibitive Voice, LMX and Employees' Creative Performance




王議賢(Yi-Hsien Wang);周麗芳(Li-Fang Chou);李芸蘋(Amber Yun-Ping Lee);葉羿廷(Yi-Ting Yeh)


促進型建言 ; 抑制型建言 ; 領導與部屬交換關係 ; 員工創新行為績效 ; 三階交互作用模型 ; promotive voice ; prohibitive voice ; LMX ; employees' creative performance ; moderated joint model




20卷1期(2020 / 06 / 01)


1 - 26




員工創新行為被認為是組織重要的競爭力之一,因此本研究著眼於建言行為對員工創新行為績效的影響,提出了一個三階交互作用模型(moderated joint model)來解釋其作用機制,即促進型建言與抑制型建言的交互作用與領導與部屬交換關係(leader-member exchange, LMX)對員工創新行為績效的影響。本研究以89組工作團隊共326人為樣本,結果發現促進型建言與抑制型建言兩者的交互作用與員工創新行為績效有負向關係;而LMX則可以正向調節促進型建言與抑制型建言的交互作用對員工創新行為績效的效果。本研究歸納得出,兩種建言型式在創新的歷程中應是相互依賴,利用三階交互作用的模型,將促進型建言、抑制型建言、LMX與員工創新行為績效的關係做出更清楚的理論貢獻,並提出實務上的建議。


Employees' creative performance is considered as one of the critical competitiveness of an organization. Therefore, this study focuses on the impact of employees' voice behaviors on their creative performance and proposes a three-way interaction model (moderated joint model), i.e., the interaction between promotive and prohibitive voice and the impact of leader-member exchange (LMX) to explain its mechanism. A sample of 326 employees from 89 workgroups was used and the results showed that the interaction between promotive and prohibitive voice demonstrated a negative relationship with employees' creative performance, while LMX positively moderated the relationship between promotive/prohibitive voice and employees' creative performance. This study concludes that the two types of voice behaviors are interdependent and interacting with each other to have an influence on employees' creative performance. Overall, with the three-way moderated joint model, this study contributes to the existing literature by elaborating the relationship among promotive voice, prohibitive voice, LMX, and employees' creative performance. We also make some practical implications in the end.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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