


The Boundary of Party Autonomy on Conflicts Law in Contracts




吳光平(Kuang-Ping Wu)


當事人意思自主原則 ; 衝突正義 ; 契約正義 ; 規避法律 ; 公序 ; 即刻適用法 ; 第三國強行債法連繫 ; 跨國公序 ; 質的限制 ; 量的限制 ; autonomy of the parties ; conflicts justice ; justice of contract law ; fraude à la loi ; ordre public ; connected be the mandatory obligation law of a third country ; lois d'application immediate ; transnational public policy ; limited by quality ; limited by quantity




30期(2009 / 12 / 01)


271 - 351






It is no doubt that ”party autonomy” is one of the most important rules on conflicts law. But there are still some advocates of the objection of ”party autonomy”. Although the objection of ”party autonomy” is not groundless, ”party autonomy” is positive law in the real world. Therefore, it is more significant to line a reasonable boundary line of ”party autonomy” than to object it. In contemporary conflicts law, there are seven techniques to regulate ”party autonomy”, including ”fraude à la loi”, ”ordre public”, ”connected be the mandatory obligation law of a third country”, ”lois d'application immediate”, ”transnational public policy”, ”limited by quality” , and ”limited by quantity”. This article will evaluate how these techniques maintain the conflicts justice of conflicts of contract laws and the justice of contract law and also conclude a reasonable boundary line of ”party autonomy” to apply in conflicts of contract laws.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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