




核心卡特爾 ; 市場界定 ; 民營電廠案 ; 維持轉售價格 ; 相對市場優勢地位 ; 數位經濟競爭政策白皮書 ; 不實廣告 ; Fair Trade Act ; Cartel ; Market Definition ; Resale Price Maintenance(RPM) ; Rule of Reason ; Relative Market Power ; White Paper on Competition Policy in the Digital Economy ; Misleading Advertisement




66期(2023 / 10 / 01)


51 - 91






2022 Annual Review of Developments of the Fair Trade Act This article summarizes and comments several important Fair Trade Act developments in 2022 and analyzes the perspective of recent implementation by Taiwan Fair Trade Commission(TFTC) and the courts. This article analyzes five cartel decisions made by TFTC and the Independent Power Producer(IPP) Cases delivered by the Supreme Administrative Court in 2022. One significant aspect regarding the implementation of cartel regulations is that the TFTC exhibited relatively lenient attitude toward cartels facilitated or accelerated without legal authorization by other central or local government departments. And in the Independent Power Producer (IPP) cases, all four courts of the Supreme Administrative Court reached a unanimous opinion on the question of whether it is necessary to define a fully specific market in hardcore cartel cases. About the merger control, there were several interesting developments. For instance, in the PX Mart/ RT-Mart case, according to result of economic analysis, the merger could reduce the price pressure from outside competitors and raise serious anticompetitive concern; however, taking the downward price pressure from the inside of PX Mart itself into account, TFTC approved the merger with several behavioral remedies. And TFTC revised the article 8 of Enforcement Rules of Fair Trade Act which establishes the rules determining the responsibility for proposing a merger notification to TFTC. The change could be attributed to the Nokia/Microsoft case in 2014, but the article insists that the revision does not change the key issue and the result in Nokia/Microsoft case: TFTC could still require remedies toward the undertaking who sold its assets and just want to leave the market. White Paper on Competition Policy in the Digital Economy, one of the most important achievements by TFTC in 2022, showed several important changes of direction. The article picks up two important topic discussed in the White Paper and by TFTC in 2022: the non-statutory rule of reason development for Resale Price Maintenance(RPM) and the substantially abolishment of Relative Market Power. Both the changes signify a significant departure from the established statutory black letter law and the traditional implementation approach. Furthermore, there is not compelling foundation to support the changes except for little suspicion based on economic theory. Due to the word limit, the article mainly focuses on the difference between the traditional track and the new development in 2022. The developments in 2022 regarding the Fair Trade Act showcased some significant shifts in the implementation and interpretation of competition authority and courts. Understanding these changes and their possible background will be crucial for stakeholders navigating the complex realm of our competition law in the era full of changes and challenges.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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