


A Study on Nurses' Interpersonal Competencies for Career and Career Stress




顏玉雯(Yu-Wen Yen);王雅玫(Ya-Mei Wang);陳怡呈(Yi-Cheng Chen);盧幸茹(Hsin-Ju Lu);朱翠萍(Tsui-Ping Chu);楊育儀(Peter Yang)


人際交友 ; 生涯壓力 ; 職場心理方案 ; 關係取向生涯理論 ; 護理生涯 ; networking ; career stress ; psychological interventions at work ; relational perspectives of career theory ; nursing career




27卷4期(2016 / 12 / 01)


477 - 490




背景:面對當前醫療改革及居高不下的護理離職率,從長遠生涯脈絡探究護理人員是否具備有助於降低壓力感受的生涯人際能力有其價值。目的:本研究旨在探討和聚合式、橋接式社會資本有關生涯人際能力對護理生涯壓力之影響,並分析組織服務年資之重要性。方法:以中南部某教學醫院無擔任管理職務護理人員242人為研究對象,以Mplus進行結構方程模式分析。結果:本研究發現部分研究假設得到支持,護理人員生涯壓力與其醫院服務年資有關。此外,和橋接式社會資本有關生涯人際能力對降低護理人員工作負荷與生涯衝突、生涯前景壓力感受有幫助;但聚合式社會資本則反之。結論/實務應用:本研究指出,職場人際互動對生涯發展的影響效應值得進一步探究。在管理工作上除鼓勵護理人員發展生涯人際能力強化生涯支持網絡以外,同時宜針對醫院服務年資3 年以上的護理人員提出有效因應措施降低職業倦怠及離職傾向。


Background: The study explored the effects of nurses' interpersonal competencies on career stress. It contributed to our understanding of today's nurse turnover rate, and was also closely related to recent medical revolution in Taiwan. Purpose: We examined the effects of two types of interpersonal competencies for career (i.e. bonding and bridging social capital) on career stress. In addition, organizational tenure was taken into consideration for this study. Methods: A survey was carried out among 242 nurses who came from a teaching hospital in mid-south Taiwan. Structural equation modeling was used for data analysis. Results: The hypotheses were partially supported. Organizational tenure was related to the nurses' career stress experience. In addition, nurses who experienced a low level of stress caused by workload and career conflict or career prospects reported a high level of interpersonal competencies which helped bridge social capital for career. On the contrary, the interpersonal competencies related to bonding social capital did not contribute to a reduced level of these two sources of career stress. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: The findings highlighted the importance of networking at work for the long-term careers. It was recommended that the nurses strengthen their interpersonal competencies, which would lead to the establishment of career support networks in the hospital. Hospital management should regularly review nurses' career stress, particularly for those who have worked in the hospital for more than three years. This managerial practice helps retain nurses and reduce their professional burnout and intention to leave the nursing profession.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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