


A Nursing Experience of a Patient with Hepatic Carcinoma




林德華(De-Hua Lin);張湘媚(Shiang-Mei Chang)


肝癌 ; 食道靜脈瘤 ; 出血性休克 ; hepatic carcinoma ; esophageal varices ; hemorrhagic shock




28卷4期(2017 / 12 / 01)


698 - 708






This article described a nursing experience of a 61-year-old patient with hepatic carcinoma who suffered from hemorrhagic shock by severe bleeding of acute esophageal varices. The author used the holistic nursing assessment of physical, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions via physical assessment, observation, interview, and review of medical records from April 12th to April 20th 2015. The health problems we identified included fluid volume deficit, acute pain, and anxiety. We kept monitoring and observing bleeding signs of esophageal varices, and administered it immediately. In addition, we developed specific pain control objective based on the pain score of the patient observed in the nursing care process. We used pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical therapies to ease pain to the patient. At the same time, we established a mutual trust nurse-patient therapeutic relationship with the patient, making him understand the progress of the illness and discuss medical objective with his healthcare providers. The family members were allowed to stay and accompany the patient by means of adjusting visiting time appropriately. We respected the patient's religion to promote his psychological and spiritual wellbeing and relieve his anxiety toward the end of life. We shared this nursing experience as a reference for nursing care of terminal-illed patients.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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