


The Self, Others, and Education: The Relationship between Foucault's "Care of the Self" and "Others"




許宏儒(Hung-Ju Hsu)


主體 ; 他者 ; 關懷自身 ; care of the self ; others ; the subject




18卷2期(2007 / 12 / 01)


105 - 129






This article is an attempt to see the relationship between Foucault's ”care of the self” and ”others”. Taiwan's educational research on the late Foucault has been more focused on his ”care of the self” and less on the relationship between ”care of the self” and ”others”. By examining Foucault's work (in French) on this topic, the findings are as follows: ”others” is an indispensable element in the process of ”care of the self”. On the one hand, ”care of the self” means that ”the self” has an adequate interaction with ”others”; on the other hand, by means of others' ”éduction”, the subject will go further to bring himself closer to ”self-perfection” and ”care of the self”. The latter is just the meaning of education in the process of ”care of the self”.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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