


A Survey of the Status, Characteristics and Difficulties Surrounding the Implementation of Education for New Immigrants by New Immigrant Education Institutes in Taiwan




丘愛鈴(Ai-Ling Chiu);何青蓉(Ching-Jung Ho)


新移民 ; 跨國婚姻 ; 教育機構 ; 新移民教育 ; new immigrant ; interethnic marriage ; educational institute ; new immigrant education




19卷2期(2008 / 12 / 01)


61 - 93






This survey study aims to achieve three things. It attempts to find out the status and characteristics surrounding the education for new immigrants (ENI) carried out by new immigrant educational institutes. It likewise tries to locate the difficulties facing these institutes in terms of educational implementation. Based on the research outcomes, the researchers then provide suggestions about the implementation of such education to the concerned government agencies or ENI institutes. The research data were gathered mainly through the use of a questionnaire survey, which collected information in five related aspects: (1) administrative organization, funds, and educational settings; (2) educational goals and human resources; (3) educational activities; (4) characteristics of implementation; (5) difficulties facing ENI institutes. The participants were 340 ENI institutes around the country. Data were analyzed to pinpoint the frequency of distribution and percentage, with responses to open-ended questions properly summarized. The major findings are as follows: (1) The ENI institutes investigated embrace literacy instruction, life adaptation education, and family education as their main goals, emphasizing vocational training only slightly. (2) There is a yearly increase in government funding for these ENI institutes. (3) These institutes have implemented diversified ENI activities, listing literacy class, parental education activity, and life-adaptation class in the top priorities. (4) The manpower of ENI primarily consists of teachers and administrators of local origin; new immigrant volunteers and retired teachers are not frequently enlisted. (5) There is a need of enhancement in the publications, website information, and consulting avenues intended for new immigrants. (6) The difficulties facing ENI institutes include small turnout for activity participation or course taking, a lack of teaching materials and resources specifically tailored for the needs of new immigrants, and a shortage of site and facility or equipment for these individuals. It is concluded that overall, there is a room for improvement for ENI. Several suggestions are proposed in line with the research findings so that government agencies of ENI institutes may take them as a reference.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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