本研究では「1衣、食、住、交通などの生活」、「2政治、経済、国際」、「3スポーツ、漫画、芸能などの娯楽」、「4歴史、地理、文学、文化」、「5自然、科学」、「6その他」各分野の「日本事情」に関する練習問題コーパスを作成した。審査者10名の審査と、日本語学習者156名の回答により、台湾人日本語学習者の日本に対する認識を探り、練習問題コーパスを修正する試みをした。その結果以下のことが分かった。まず、高校生よりは大学生が、文科系の学生よりは理科系の学生が、女子学生よりは男子学生が日本のことをよく知っていることが分かった。また、少数だが、審査者が易しいと認定した問題に対する学生の正解率が高いとは限らないことも分かった。これらの研究成果は教師の教育上の参考になると考えられる。また、「自然、科学」分野の問題の充実、図.写真.音声を含む問題の作成、回答時間の記録などにより練習問題コーパスを改善する予定である。|This study contains the construction of a database of questions about Japan, including, "1. lifestyle", "2. politics, economics, and international affairs", "3. sports, anime, and entertainment", "4. history, geography, literature, and culture", "5. nature and science", and "6. others". To understand Taiwanese Japanese Language Learners' Knowledge of Japan in various aspects, the questions were reviewed by 10 examiners and responded by 156 students. The results showed that university students knew more about Japan than high school students, science or engineering department students had a better understanding than liberal arts students, and male students knew more about Japan than female students. However, there were a few questions where students' accuracy rates differed from the examiners' perceptions of difficulty. The results can be used as a reference for teachers in the future. Moreover, increasing the number of questions in the "Nature and Science" category, including questions with pictures and videos, and recording response time are possible directions for enhancing the question bank's future development.|This study contains the construction of a database of questions about Japan, including, "1. lifestyle", "2. politics, economics, and international affairs", "3. sports, anime, and entertainment", "4. history, geography, literature, and culture", "5. nature and science", and "6. others". To understand Taiwanese Japanese Language Learners' Knowledge of Japan in various aspects, the questions were reviewed by 10 examiners and responded by 156 students. The results showed that university students knew more about Japan than high school students, science or engineering department students had a better understanding than liberal arts students, and male students knew more about Japan than female students. However, there were a few questions where students' accuracy rates differed from the examiners' perceptions of difficulty. The results can be used as a reference for teachers in the future. Moreover, increasing the number of questions in the "Nature and Science" category, including questions with pictures and videos, and recording response time are possible directions for enhancing the question bank's future development.