


Dialogue with Chekhov: An Interpretive Comparison with Jong-Fu Wu's "The Sleepy Chun Xing"




許俊雅(Chun-Ya Hsu)


契訶夫 ; 巫永福 ; 愛睏的春杏 ; 比較文學 ; 臺灣文學 ; Anton Chekhov ; Jong-Fu Wu ; The Sleepy Chun Xing ; comparative literature ; Taiwan literature




22期(2011 / 11 / 01)


313 - 343




本文寫作的主要思路與意圖,即在於面對契訶夫(Антон Павлович Чехов)、巫永福二人作品之相似性,並且相互之間也無確鑿的證據可以說明契訶夫影響巫永福〈眠ぃ春杏〉之際,從「世界性因素」角度出發,探討不同民族文化背景下的文學在面對相同環境時產生的平等對話的可能性。從具體的文本出發,作文本細讀,以材料立論,揭示異同,平等地探討它們各自如何豐富文學世界裡的意象。本文強調〈眠ぃ春杏〉小說的敘事形式是在世界性文學的基礎上發展的,深入其文學精髓的層面及作品中細節中營造出來的藝術生命力,證成〈眠ぃ春杏〉如何在接受契訶夫啟示之餘,經過剪裁梳理,加以創造性的發展,形成自己鮮明的獨創性。如以簡單的模仿之說來解釋這種現象則是不妥的。


The topic of this essay is focused on the similarity between Chekhov's and Jong-Fu Wu's literary works. Since there is no clear evidence that the former strongly influences the latter, it is more plausible to suppose that their similarity can be explained in terms of the historical background in which the literatures of different cultures reflect the climate of the epoch in the same way. Detailed analysis of the texts will serve to interpret, compare and illustrate how their works respectively enrich the images in the literary world. It will be shown that Jong-Fu Wu's works should not be regarded simply as an imitation of Chekhov's; rather, the latter are only clues on which the former develops itself further in independent and creative ways.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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