


How to Discover a Rule? Investigating the Advantages of the Alternative Hypothesis and Dual-Hypothesis Testing Strategy




林緯倫(Wei-Lun Lin);連韻文(Yunn-Wen Lien)


工作記憶 ; 另有假設 ; 科學資優生 ; 假設檢驗 ; 概念改變 ; Working Memory ; Alternative Hypothesis ; Science-Talented Student ; Hypothesis Testing ; Conceptual Change




9卷3期(2001 / 09 / 01)


299 - 322






Our research intended to find out what strategy makes a reasoner perform better in a rulediscovery task. In Experiment 1, two groups of 29 college students were tested with the 2 4 6 task, a popular rule-discovery task. One group was composed of undergraduates who were judged by experts and professors as top students in nature science and life science when they were high school students. These students subsequently were enrolled in relevant programs in National Taiwan University. The results showed that these students performed better on the task than did the contrast group, composed of students from the same university. Particularly, compared with the contrast group, these students generated more alternative hypotheses as well as applying more dual-hypothesis testing strategy. They, however, did not use negative-test strategy more often than the contrast group. We argue the way how a reasoner revised his/her hypothesis based on new evidence is crucial for the success on the 246 task. In addition, the potential advantages and constraints of using a dual-hypothesis testing strategy were discussed, as well as its relation with the reasoners' working memory. In Experiment 2, a group of university students were instructed on the limited dual-hypothesis testing developed by the researchers. Their performance in the rule-discovery task significantly improved when compared with the contrast group.c

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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