


A Study of Elementary and Secondary School Students' Misconceptions of the Classification of Metals




許良榮(Liung-Rong Hsu)


分類 ; 金屬 ; 迷思概念 ; 雙層試題 ; Classification ; Metal ; Misconception ; Two-tier instrument




11卷3期(2003 / 09 / 01)


277 - 296




本研究目的為針對中小學生發展「金屬」分類概念的雙層(two-tire)試題,以診斷學生的迷思概念。研究程序修飾Tregaust (1988, 1995)發展二階段診斷試題的步驟,包括由初探研究的紙筆測驗,了解學生可能存有的概念之後,進行個別晤談之設計與實施。個別晤談深入探索學生可能的迷思概念,以提供雙層試題之設計基礎,雙層試題經過效化後,施測於小四(N=246)、小六(N=275)、國二(N=107)以及高二(N=151),並進行重測以建立信度。由施測結果顯示,學生對於金屬之歸類,存有不少的迷思概念,包括金屬都會被磁鐵吸引、採挖出來的礦物是金屬等等。而且語言的影響頗為明顯,有不少中學生傾向於以物質名稱是否有金字邊進行分類以及認為水銀有銀的成分。最後,本研究也討論了學生的概念具有不穩定性的特徵,在未來研究應再深入探究。


The purpose of this study was to develop and apply a two-tier diagnostic instrument to explore students' misconceptions of the classification of metals. In the present study, we modified the procedure of Treagust (1988, 1995) to develop the instrument. The pilot study involves a survey with an open-end questionnaire, the results of which serve as the major source for determining the instances and questions for interviews. The interviews explore students' misconceptions which provides the basis for the design of the two-tier diagnostic instrument. The developed instrument was then administered to 246 fourth graders, 275 sixth graders, 207 eighth graders and 251 eleventh graders (total N=879), selected from the schools in the middle geographic area of Taiwan. The reliability of the instrument was established by the test-retest method. The results indicate the students have some misconceptions about metals, including all metals are attracted to a magnet, and mineral products are metals. Language is a potential source of the students' misconceptions. For example, they tend to think that the matter's name (in Chinese) denotes the component of a metal, and that 'water-silver' (the Chinese name of mercury) has a silver component. On the other hand, the students lack consistent criteria for classifying metals. Further studies are needed in this respect.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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