


Analyzing Behavioral Interactions between Teacher and Student of Co-constructing Scientific Knowledge in One-to-One Tutoring Activities Via CHILDES




邱美虹(Mei-Hung Chiu);林秀蓁(Show-Jane Lin)


一對一家教系統 ; 認知師徒制 ; 兒童語料交換系統 ; One-to-One Tutoring System ; Cognitive Apprenticeship ; CHILDES




12卷2期(2004 / 06 / 01)


133 - 158




根據本研究之前的研究結果顯示,利用Collins, Brown, & Newman所提出認知師徒制的六大面向(即示範、訓練、鷹架、闡明、反思和探索)所設計之化學平衡課程,認知師徒組學生學習後的成效優於非認知師徒組,且使用較多的「平衡過程」(Equilibration Process, EP)屬性述詞,並可建構出微觀的動態隨機之化學平衡心智模式。是什麼原因造成兩組學生學習上質與量的不同呢?本研究旨在從行爲面向,深入比較兩組的教師、學生及師生互動在此層面上之異同,並藉助「兒童語料交換系統」(Child Language Data Exchange System, CHILDES)進行分析工作,希冀釐清一對一家教科學學習活動中師生互動建構科學知識之類型與機制。研究結果發現,認知師徒組的教師展現高頻率的發問行爲,且會根據學生的回應而詢問延伸性的開放性相關問題,尤其在教授化學平衡的可逆及動態本質之活動單元中以一系列的提問,使學生有更多的機會進行更深入的思考,故導致學生產生較多的預測與解釋,學習成效較佳。非認知師徒組教師的高頻率行爲則是分散在發問、講述及回應三個類別中,若有發問則以新的封閉性問題爲主,大多與學生的回應無關,而是依循教師的既定教學計畫進行,因此,學生多以簡短的是否對錯或是填空式回答教師的問題,且教師也少繼續詢問相關的問題,所以學生的學習成效較差。


According to results of our previous studies, we found that the Cognitive apprenticeship group (CA group) students attained outperformed than the Non-cognitive apprenticeship group (Non-CA group) students. They also indicated that the CA group used more predicates with equilibration process nature, and constructing the mental models of chemical equilibrium with dynamic nature of matter. But what were the causes to make such qualitative and quantitative differences in the learning effect between the students of CA and Non-CA groups? The purpose of this study was from the aspect of behavior, to deeply compare these two groups about the patterns of teachers, students and interactions between teachers and students to identify the mechanisms of the interactions between the teacher and the student on co-constructing scientific knowledge during the one-to-one tutoring activities via CHILDES (Child Language Data Exchange System). Our result showed that the CA group teacher adopted high frequent asking questions, and followed the responses of students to propose related-open questions to provide students more opportunities to think deeper and deeper. Especially during the activities about the nature of reversibility and dynamics, the teacher addressed series of questions to inspire the student to engage in deeper thinking. As a result, it led students to generate more predictions and explanations to achieve better learning effect. The higher frequent behaviors of the Non-CA group teacher were distributed in asking questions, direct instruction and responses categories. Most of the teacher's questions are closed questions, and less related to student's prior response, just following the line of teacher's teaching plan. As a result, most of the Non-CA group students answered teacher's questions by brief yes-or-no responses or filling the blanks directly. After students giving out their answers, the teacher seldom continued to ask related questions, so the students gained a worse learning effect. Implications for science education are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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