


Correlates of Users' Critical Thinking, Participating Perceptions, Motivations, and Involvement Level in a BBS' Math Discussion Board




謝佩宜(Pei-Yi Hsieh);周倩(Chien Chou)


批判思考技巧 ; 批判思考意向 ; 參與動機 ; 參與程度 ; 參與歷程觀感 ; Critical Thinking Skills ; Critical Thinking Disposition ; Participating Motivation ; Participating Involvement Level ; Participating Perceptions




14卷1期(2006 / 02 / 01)


83 - 100




本研究目的主要在探討電子佈告欄(Bulletin Board System, BBS)適用於討論學習的正向可能性。本研究自交通大學應用數學系電子佈告欄,立意選取自發參與數學討論區的研究對象,利用網路自陳問卷與內容分析進行資料收集。研究結果發現,不同個人背景之使用者在批判思考意向、參與歷程觀感、動機與程度之部分層面上具有顯著差異。且使用者之參與歷程觀感與動機可正面影響其參與時的批判思考意向。在批判思考技巧的運用上,多屬於推論與澄清之層面,在奠基與判斷上則較少運用。總而言之,透過數學討論區的學習,個體若能透過討論協商來培養批判思考的態度,且於數學討論中運用批判思考的技巧,將有助於培養其高層次數學思考技巧。因此建議教師可在數學教學中運用電子佈告欄數學討論區時,應首重培養學生高度的參與動機與參與程度。


The main purpose of the study is to survey active-participating users' demographic profiles, participating perceptions, motivations, involvement level, and critical thinking to investigate whether the Bulletin Board System (BBS) helps facilitate users' communication and meaningful learning. The research methods were survey and content analysis. Based on self-selective samples, the researchers collected the quantitative data from 191 respondents. According to the ”Critical Thinking Analyzing Category” developed by the researcher, 3264 postings in two months on the math discussion board were analyzed. The major findings are: Users demographic profiles showed differences in critical thinking, participating perceptions, motivations, and involvement level. Users' participating perceptions and motivations positively affected users' critical thinking disposition. The most used critical thinking skills were ”inference” and ”clarification”, and the least used were ”basis support” and ”judgment.” Findings of this study suggest that math teachers should foster students' participating motivations and involvement level when they want to discuss math topics on the BBS board.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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