


A Study of the Necessity for Teaching the 'Nature of Science' and 'History of Science' in Elementary and Secondary Schools




許良榮(Liang-Rong Hsu);蕭培玉(Pei-Yu Hsiao)


大慧調查 ; 科學史 ; 科學本質 ; Delphi Method ; History of Science ; Nature of Science




15卷1期(2007 / 02 / 01)


1 - 23




近年來科學教育改革中,科學史與科學本質受到極為廣泛的重視,但不論國內外,對於中小學需要教導哪些科學本質與科學史尚未有一致的觀點。本研究採用大慧(Delphi)調查法諮詢國內20位專家學者,包括純科學、科學教育、科學史哲、環境教育與教育專家學者。以期歸納出中小學不同年級階段需要教導之科學本質教學目標與科學史的教學內容。研究結果歸納出中小學所需教導之科學本質的教學目標,小學階段有9項、國中階段有22項、高中階段有28項。科學史的教學內容方面,在小學階段,專家之間未達共識,未歸納出需教導的內容,而國中階段需教導之科學史內容有5項、高中階段有12項。在科學史內容的呈現方面,研究結果發現有部分沒有達到篩選原則的科學史教學內容項目,專家學者認為可以「基本教材」方式呈現,顯示科學史內容應如何呈現,仍是有待深入探究的問題之一。另一方面,本研究歸納的科學本質之教學目標包含了McComas和Almazroa (1998)以及Osborne等人(2003)所提出之科學本質目標,但是與九年一貫課程之重疊性不高,因此九年一貫課程之科學本質目標是否恰當,似乎有再思考的必要。最後根據研究結果,本研究提出國內專家認為中小學在科學教學所需教導之科學本質目標與科學史內容,期望能提供未來編製教材之參考。


In recent reforms of science education, the nature of science (NOS) and history of science (HOS) are broadly emphasized. However, there is a lack of consensus on what should be taught regarding the NOS and HOS. This paper interviewed 20 experts and scholars in Taiwan, including scientists, science educators, history and philosophy of science (HPS), environmental educators and education experts using Delphi Method. Regarding the NOS, the teaching goals can be broken down into 3 education levels: 9 items for elementary schools, 22 for junior high schools, and 28 for senior high schools. However, the results indicated that the experts have not agreed on the necessity for elementary schools to study the HOS. Five and 12 items of teaching goals were composed of the content of the HOS in junior high school and senior high schools, respectively. These HOS items are fundamental and therefore must be included in the curriculum. In additional, the results from the survey regarding teaching goals of NOS are in agreement with the findings of McComas & Almazroa (1998) and Osborne et al., (2003). However, in comparison with the nine-year articulated curriculum, the teaching goals of NOS are different from our research. Reconsideration of the teaching goals of NOS in the nine-year articulated curriculum may be necessary. In summary, this study not only provides teaching goals and objectives of the NOS and HOS for elementary and secondary schools, but also provides a reference framework for the future development of science curriculums.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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