


Utilizing a Knowledge Management (KM) Platform in Promoting Applied Science Teachers' Professional Growth




曾國鴻(Kuo-Hung Tseng);羅希哲(Shi-Jer Lou);陳沅(Yuan Chen);楊宏仁(Hung-Jen Yang);許紋華(Wen-Hua Hsu)


知識管理KM ; 知識管理平台 ; 高職教師 ; 教師專業成長 ; Knowledge Management KM ; Knowledge Management KM platform ; Vocational High School Teachers ; Teachers' Professional Growth




16卷1期(2008 / 02 / 01)


53 - 74




本研究旨在探究高職應用科學(電機科)教師運用知識管理(Knowledge management, KM)平台融入教學中的:(1)概況,(2)教學前、中、後教師教學專業成長情形,(3)KM素養的提升幅度,(4)建議。研究採問卷調查法和訪談法;參與者為兩位應用科學教師,研究聚焦於兩位教師在研究期間進行知識管理促進專業成長的歷程。從觀察紀錄表分析發現,參與KM資訊平台(簡稱KM平台)的教師對知識分享與應用有正向成長;其在知識分享向度上直到第五、六週始有較明顯成長,而教學法則在第五至第六週有最明顯的進步。而由KM平台的互動歷程發現,教師偏向知識的分享,且以教學知識(Pedagogical knowledge, PK)和學科教學知識(Pedagogical content knowledge, PCK)的分享、應用較多,但學科知識(Content knowledge, CK)分享則較少。而從教師態度自陳量表與受訪資料分析發現,教師運用KM的動機由被動轉為主動,概念上由初期的模糊變至後期的清晰與注重實踐,焦點由零碎知識進展至整體效益;且KM平台能協助教師進行教學省思,並形成後設認知。使用KM平台的教師只需具電腦基礎操作能力即能協助其隱性知識的保持與傳存,並協助師生體悟知識創新意涵。為使教師知識無私分享,建構平台的學科知識、課程及優質的「教師社群」實乃刻不容緩,期能具更大誘因以提升師生使用平台的動機,進而營造分享知識的文化,才能讓知識的影響更廣,並提升技職教育的品質。


This study focused on integrating a Knowledge Management (KM) platform into vocational high schools teachers' instruction and observing the effectiveness of the platform in promoting teachers' professional growth. This case study aimed to 1) describe teachers' integration of the KM platform into instruction, 2) understand the change of teachers' professional growth in the pre-, mid-, and post-instructional stages after integrating KM platform into the curriculum, 3) explore the instructional fluctuation range of KM capacity by applying the KM platform, 4) and propose suggestions for integrating the KM platform into the classroom. This study used both qualitative and quantitative research methods, developmental designs for integrating KM into the curriculum, KM observation checklist, self-evaluation questionnaires for teachers, quasi-experimental appraisals of cost-effectiveness of integrating KM into the curriculum, and finally, in-depth interviews in pre-, mid-, and post-instructional stages. Firstly, the study revealed that teachers in the experimental group demonstrated positive growth in areas of knowledge sharing and knowledge application. According to the growth profiles in knowledge sharing in the KM observation checklist, the teachers showed no significant gains until the fifth and the sixth weeks, where teachers' pedagogical Knowledge (PK) reached its peak. The study also found that the teachers preferred ”knowledge acquisition,” ”knowledge sharing,” and ”knowledge application” when using PK and Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in KM interactions, but teachers using the platform for sharing Content Knowledge (CK) accounted the least amount of overall usage. Secondly, the three in depth interviews (pre-, mid and post) revealed that the teachers’ motivation showed a shift from A passive style to an active style and conceptions about KM changed from vague understanding to clear understanding at later stages. There was a formation of meta-cognition in introspection during later stages. Through interviews, teachers also suggested the usefulness of the KM platform for retaining implicit knowledge. Finally, in order to let the teachers share knowledge openly, broaden the influence of their knowledge, and to develop a high-quality ”teaching community”, course content construction of the platform is important. The teachers and students are required to be more motivated to use this platform, in order to construct a culture of knowledge sharing and allow the influence of knowledge to be expanded, which subsequently improves the quality of vocational education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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