


Study of the Effects of Class and Curriculum Structure on Gifted Elementary School Students' Scientific and Higher-Order Thinking




廖榮啟(Jung-Chi Liao)


階層線性模式 ; 科學充實課程 ; 科學高層思考能力 ; Hierarchical Linear Models ; Scientific Enrichment Curriculum ; Scientific Higher-order Thinking Ability




16卷5期(2008 / 10 / 01)


459 - 475




本研究旨在評鑑國小資優生科學充實課程的成效,應用教師執行科學充實課程評鑑問卷及國小科學高層思考能力測驗等工具,主要以階層線性模式(hierarchical linear models)探討資優班安置方式及課程評鑑性對資優生科學高層思考能力之影響。本研究以國小資優班60位教師及638名資優生,為研究對象。研究主要結果:資優班類型的不同,會影響國小資優生科學高層思考能力整體層面上的表現;獨立研究課程次數多寡,也會影響資優生科學高層思考能力整體層面表現;教師在執行充實課程上,能夠針對課程計畫、課程實施、課程評量、及自我專業成長上提升,對於資優生在科學高層思考能力整體上的表現,都有很大的助益。根據研究結果,本研究分別對科學充實課程的評鑑、教師自我專業成長及未來研究三方面提出建議。


The purposes of this study were to investigate the current situation regarding the scientific higher-order thinking ability of elementary school gifted students, and to investigate the factors that influenced their scientific and higher-order thinking ability. Subjects of the study were 60 gifted-class teachers and 638 gifted elementary students. Results of the study were as follows: The factors of class and curriculum structure strongly predicted the improvement of scientific and higher-order thinking ability. Suggestions for evaluation of the scientific enrichment curriculum, teacher professional development and future researches are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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