


University Students' Knowledge and Argumentation Skills Concerning a Socio-Scientific Issue




林宗進(Tzung-Jin Lin);林樹聲(Shu-Sheng Lin);陳映均(Ying-Chun Chen)


大學生 ; 社會性科學議題 ; 知識 ; 基因改造作物 ; 論證 ; University Students ; Socio-Scientific Issues ; Knowledge in Science ; Genetically Modified Organisms ; Argumentation




18卷3期(2010 / 06 / 01)


229 - 252




This study investigated undergraduate students' knowledge, argumentation skills and the relationship between them in the context of a socio-scientific issue-Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). Eighty undergraduate students were categorized into two groups: biology majors and non-biology majors. Two open-ended questionnaires were respectively used to evaluate students' argumentation skills and to measure their understanding of three kinds of GMO knowledge-ontological, epistemological and situational knowledge. The results revealed that biology majors scored significantly higher than non-biology majors in ontological knowledge, epistemological knowledge, situational knowledge and in overall knowledge (p<.001). Biology majors broadly performed significantly better than non-biology majors on argumentation quality (p<.05). A significantly positive correlation exists between the students' argumentation skills and their respective scores on ontological knowledge, situational knowledge and overall knowledge (r=.21-.27, p<.05). The educational implications for improving university students' knowledge about GMO issues and argumentation skills were discussed.


This study investigated undergraduate students' knowledge, argumentation skills and the relationship between them in the context of a socio-scientific issue-Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). Eighty undergraduate students were categorized into two groups: biology majors and non-biology majors. Two open-ended questionnaires were respectively used to evaluate students' argumentation skills and to measure their understanding of three kinds of GMO knowledge-ontological, epistemological and situational knowledge. The results revealed that biology majors scored significantly higher than non-biology majors in ontological knowledge, epistemological knowledge, situational knowledge and in overall knowledge (p<.001). Biology majors broadly performed significantly better than non-biology majors on argumentation quality (p<.05). A significantly positive correlation exists between the students' argumentation skills and their respective scores on ontological knowledge, situational knowledge and overall knowledge (r=.21-.27, p<.05). The educational implications for improving university students' knowledge about GMO issues and argumentation skills were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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