


Is the Classroom Flat? A Narrative Inquiry into a Primary School Science Teacher




顏膺修(Ying-Hsiu Yen);吳為聖(Wei-Shen Wu);張惠博(Huey-Por Chang)


敘說 ; 教學信念 ; 教學實務知識 ; Narrative ; Teacher Beliefs ; Practical Knowledge of Teaching




20卷2期(2012 / 04 / 01)


97 - 118






This study aims to identify a senior primary school science teacher’s distinctive practical teaching knowledge including their teaching beliefs, pedagogical content knowledge, and knowledge of learning environment management. As a participatory observer, the researchers collected multiple data within the science teacher's classrooms such as interviews with the teacher and his students, a teaching blog, and classroom observations over two years. Results illustrated the exemplary practical science teaching knowledge manifested by this science teacher: creating a productive and enjoyable learning environment in which the teacher is apt at covering the curriculum and promoting students' conceptual development despite their frustrations toward science learning. Finally, implications and suggestions for K-12 science teaching are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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