


Exploring the Peer Coaching-Based Developmental Model on PCK of Middle Science Teachers: An Example of "Heat and Temperature"




張世忠(Syh-Jong Jang);李俊毅(Jun-Yi Lee);謝幸芬(Hsin-Fen Hsieh)


同儕教練 ; 專業發展 ; 學生知覺 ; 學科教學知識 ; Peer Coaching ; Professional Development ; Students' Perceptions ; Pedagogical Content Knowledge




21卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


1 - 24






Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of in-service teachers is an important issue for current teacher education in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to examine the current PCK of science teachers, and explore peer coaching to affect the PCK development of science teachers. The topic of heat and temperature was chosen, and a peer coaching-based model was developed in this study. Three certified science teachers and three classes of eighth graders participated in this study. We used a mixed methods design, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The main data included peer coaching meeting, questionnaires of students' perception of teacher's PCK, written assignments, reflective journals and interviews. The findings of this study showed students' overall perception of their teacher's PCK from the pretest to the posttest did not attain the significant difference level; In four dimensions of questionnaire, the only one with significant difference is the representational repertoire (RR) dimension. In order to understand more about the change of teachers' PCK based on contexts and situations, we further describe the change of each item within each dimension. The change of science teachers’ RR influenced by peer coaching can be explained through the following four aspects: ”Apply the thermal convection and radiation model,” ”demonstrate the examples of heat expansion and contraction,” ”use the size of cylinder to explain specific heat capacity” and ”use some pictures to illustrate the reasons cause land-sea breeze.” The research implications of this study are provided along with suggestions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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