


Critical Learning Events Triggered by Misconceptions in an Online Small Group Knowledge Co-construction Environment




張秀美(Hsiu-Mei Chang);曾仁佑(Ren-Yow Tzeng);陳斐卿(Fei-Ching Chen);鄭凱天(Kai-Tien Cheng)


合作知識共構 ; 迷思概念 ; 探究式學習 ; 電腦支援協作學習 ; 學習過程 ; Knowledge Co-Construction ; Misconception ; Inquiry-Based Learning ; Computer Supported Collaborative Learning ; Learning Process




22卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


185 - 209






This study attempts to investigate the meaningful learning of online-group knowledge co-construction by identifying the misconceptions, tracking the developmental trajectories of misconceptions, and recognizing the critical moments in the trajectories of misconceptions. Instead of using the "product" perspective that the contributions for leading a misconception are accounted by the number of their postings, we here adopt the "contextual-process" perspective that considers the whole temporal trajectories of misconceptions taken place and focuses on the group members’ interaction. In particular, we analyze our data by identifying misconception and inquiry action of each single post, and figuring out the dynamic relationship between the developmental trajectories of the misconceptions and the group peer’s interaction. The results show that there are 56 posts involve the misconceptions and can be categorized to five themes, in which three themes are aware to have the positive learning effects after group discussions, one has negative effect, and the remained one does not cause any effect for learning. We also discovered the five critical moments: "sharing and justification", "recognition", "practical knowledge", "identification", and "confusion and hesitation". Finally, we further consider "intersubjectivity" is the important key for the development of and reconsider the meaning-making of the trajectories of misconceptions in online-group knowledge co-construction. And some methodological consideration and teaching strategy about online-group knowledge co-construction was discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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