


Learning Model of Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Efficacy as a Mediator to Predict the Scientific Imagination




許育齡(Yu-Ling Hsu);梁朝雲(Chao-Yun Liang);許盛貴(Sheng-Kuei Hsu)


內在動機 ; 自我效能 ; 科學想像力 ; 學習模式 ; Intrinsic Motivation ; Self-Efficacy ; Scientific Imagination ; Learning Model




22卷4期(2014 / 12 / 01)


389 - 412






The current study was aimed to analyze the factors of psychology and environment that could predict the students' scientific imagination. The participants in this study were Taiwanese university students of science and technology. The results indicated that psychological and environmental factors integrated as the intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy mediating models could effectively predict the scientific imagination. It was found that the psychological factors of generative cognition and negative emotion, as well as the environmental factors of the human aggregate, had direct effects on scientific imagination. In addition, generative cognition, positive emotion, learning resources, social climate, and the human aggregate were shown to have different indirect effects on different kinds of scientific imagination. After the psychological and environmental predictive effects were explored, teaching and learning applications were also discussed, and further research suggestions were offered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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