


Knowledge Generated in Gamer's Communities of Practice: An Example of Free Math Problem Posing in Elementary School




張鐵懷(Tieh-Huai Chang);陳斐卿(Fei-Ching Chen)


自由擬題 ; 電玩世代 ; 電玩實踐社群知識 ; 電玩轉移現象 ; 數位原民 ; Free Problem-Posing ; Games Generation ; Games' Community of Practice ; Game Transfer Phenomena ; Digital Native




24卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


31 - 55




電玩世界的數位原民到底發展了什麼新型態的學習(new type of learning)?這是學習學(learning sciences)核心關切。電玩經驗學到什麼?看的角度不只一種:從習得典範來看,注重學習遷移(learning transfer);從參與典範來看,注重實踐社群(community of practice)的知識。本文嘗試兼從上述兩種角度切入,分析玩家自由擬題創作的成品,搭配觀察與訪談資料,詮釋玩家在題目中自然展現電玩經驗的有趣現象。研究問題有二:第一、電玩經驗讓這些擬題者展現什麼特殊的數學擬題特徵?第二、自由擬題題目當中呈現哪些電玩實踐社群知識?研究結果有二:一、題目蘊藏著一個故事般的情境,能將電玩社群的生活經驗轉化為數學題目,呈現數學內部與外部連結的特徵,以及超出課綱教學範疇的數學素養。二、題目的布局與內涵展現三類電玩實踐社群知識,包括:「遊戲系統的設計機制」、「遊戲中的數學表徵」、「玩家角色的生命觀」。小學生玩家長時間沈浸於電玩社群累積的經驗,能在學校數學課堂中展現學習遷移的效果,也佐證了小學生擁有電玩社群成員的實踐知識。


One of the core concerns in learning sciences is "What new types of learning have emerged in digital natives in the gaming generation?" There are varied ways to inquire into the question of they have learned. From the perspective of the acquisition paradigm, it is a matter of learning transfer; from the perspective of participation paradigm, it is a matter of the competence which emerge from the gamers' communities of practice. This study is an attempt to present the results via both of the two perspectives. Gamers were interviewed and the free problems posed were analyzed in order to reveal gamers' experiences which emerged naturally. Two research questions: first, what characteristics about problems posed to gamers were related to gamers' experiences? Second, what knowledge in communities of practice can be identified in the problems posed by gamers? The results showed: first, the problems were stated in a story-like situation. The gamers' daily life experiences could be transferred into math problems which showed clear connection within math concepts as well as between math and other subject domains. In additions, these problems evidenced that their math literacy goes beyond what they were taught. Second, three kinds of knowledge from gamers' communities of practice were identified: 1. design mechanisms in the game system, 2. mathematical representation in the game infrastructure, and 3. gamers' views of life. The experiences gained by immersing in gamers' communities of practice showed not only the effect of learning transfer in mathematics classes in school, but also the understanding of knowledge appropriated by being a member of the game community.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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