This study aimed to investigate the influence of implementing open inquiry biology project on the science inquiry competency and perception of the 11th graders with high and low engagement in Malaysia Chinese Independent School. Mixed qualitative and quantitative methodology were applied in the study, a total of 137 students (30 groups) from three science classes were classified into low and high participant. This study started in the beginning of academic year and lasted for five months. The scientific inquiry scoring guide (Oregon Department of Education [ODE], 2002): I. forming a question or hypothesis, II. designing an investigation, III. collecting and presenting data, IV. analyzing and interpreting results, was applied to assess inquiry proposal. The scores analyzed through descriptive statistics were then analyzed through nonparametric statistics by using SPSS20. The problems raised in the proposal were collected to study the improvement of inquiry competency. A questionnaire analyzed by t-test was conducted before and after the study to measure students' perceptions of Inquiry Competency (Hsieh, Tuan, & Chin, 2010). The results indicated that performance of high participant groups was better than low participant groups in facets I, II, III and the difference was significant. Final scores in I and II were higher than III and IV. The questionnaire result showed significant difference in students' perceptions of understanding of inquiry (SUI) of low participant groups, significant difference in students' inquiry competence (SIC) of high participant groups, whereas pre-test indicated significant difference between low and high participant groups in facet SUI but not significant difference in facets SIC, SUI of post-test.
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