


Instructors' Experiences, Experiential Essences and Reflection in Massive Open Online Courses




汪耀華(Yao-Hua Wang);張基成(Chi-Cheng Chang)


大規模線上開放課程 ; 教師經驗 ; 現象學 ; 經驗本質 ; MOOCs ; Teacher Experience ; Phenomenology ; Experiential Essence




27卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


25 - 47




為探究大規模開放式線上課程(Massive Open Online Courses, MOOCs)授課教師如何能吸引大量學生的教學技巧,本研究選取MOOCs平臺內最具人氣的三門課程,旨在探討授課教師經驗及其本質,並進行反思。先對4位教師(其中一門課由2位教師共同授課)進行現象學強調的深度訪談,將訪談資料轉成逐字稿後,進行資料內容的三角交叉驗證。再透過現象學資料分析步驟,分析逐字稿,寫出教師授課經驗,並進行經驗主題分類及分析結果的三角交叉驗證。分成課程型態、教材模式、教學方法、教師任務、課程價值5個面向主題闡述相應的教師經驗描述。歸納MOOCs授課教師經驗本質:異於傳統教育的MOOCs教師課程與教學、MOOCs教師角色及MOOCs課程價值。對於這些經驗及其本質,吾人應反思:一、創新科技促進師生之間、學生之間及學生與課程平臺之間的互動;二、廣納業界或實務專家合作,增加學習的多元選擇性;三、擴增MOOCs的應用面,增加謀利益的價值;四、教師從MOOCs教學中反思,有利於精進教學能力;五、提供助教及專業錄影人員,有效分攤教學負擔。最後,從反思得到啟示並提出建議。


The study selected the top three courses with the highest enrollment rate from a Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) platform to investigate and reflect on the instructors' experiences and their essences. Deep interviews using a phenomenology approach were conducted with four instructors. One of three courses was co-taught by two instructors. The interview data was transcribed into transcripts, and then a triangular verification on the content from the transcripts was conducted. The transcripts data were analyzed using a phenomenological procedure through a series of evaluative steps. The instructors' experiences were recorded, and then a thematic category of their experiences was as well as a triangular verification on the data analysis results were also performed. There were five thematic experiences recorded from the instructors' experiences. These thematic experiences, included instructional type, mode of teaching materials, teaching method, teachers' tasks, and value of courses. The experiential essences in the MOOCs were found to be course and instruction, teachers' roles, and value of courses in MOOCs different from traditional education. Further reflections should be made by applying 1. innovative technologies to facilitate the interactions between teachers and students, among students, and between students and a course platform; 2. incorporating industry experts to collaboratively give lectures for increasing diverse learning options; 3. broadening the applications of MOOCs for enhancing the value and benefits of course content and instruction; 4. elaborating instructional abilities through reflections on MOOC instruction; and 5. offering assistants, professional video recorders, and rear-end makers for effectively sharing instructional burdens. Finally, inspirations and suggestions were proposed based upon the reflection on the essences of teaching experiences from the MOOC instructors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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